Saturday, June 27, 2009

Interesting Morning, Learned some new tricks.

I got a call from a pretty good customer who's son had gotten jumped at a club in SLC. Someone drove the guy to the hospital and just left him and the car there. Needless to say he was in ICU for a week and is getting better now. But his car had to sit in impound for a week while the cops got all the pictures and evidence they needed. I'm not sure how much blood he lost, but it was everywhere. I have a lady who works with me and just for fun she started taking Phillipeno Knife fighting classes. I asked he what cool things she learned? Her exact quote was "If someone has a knife, jut run away!".

Passanger side seat just covered was all crusted up and in every crack you could think of.

I pulled everything that wasn't glued down. The seats had the perferated type of leather MAJOR PAIN!!!

Got them cleaned dried and put back.

Door panel had down in the pocket. Plus the speaker grill wasn't easy to clean.

I forgot to get a picture of the Driver seat and console but they where covered also. The arm rest was really bad blood had ran down the whole side. You can kind of see it in the first picture. The center console had it all over both side from top to bottom.

I should of taken a better before picture, There was blood that had ran through the seat and was all over the back floor.

All cleaned up and ready to go home. Not to bad for 5 hrs. of work.

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