Saturday, October 18, 2008

Ready to GO!!

Today was way busy for me but everything seems to be falling into place for my Deer Hunting trip to Flaming Gorge. I had a Flag Football game in the morning. The other team didn't have all their players so I filled in and helped out. Had a pretty good game finally was able to catch a few passes. I had my team color still on, so I had fun playing games and trying to get my real team to throw the ball to me. It was a good time. When I got home I got a hold of Hollis H. (He's a stud by the way for letting me barrow his four wheeler). I jogged down to his house to pick it up so I could just drive it back, and man my body is tired. I hope this hunt goes easy and I can find a deer without having to put in to many miles. I have been pushing my training pretty hard and all my joints are feeling it. Mindy made me some lunch while I mowed the lawn. Man do weeds grow fast or what!!! I'm sick of weeds!!! This afternoon Rick and I went over to the gravel pit and shot our rifles. My weapon of choice this year is a .270 while, Rick is going to use a 30-06.We are both right on the money and shouldn't have any problems hitting a deer. We had some targets over at the pit that look like chickens and pigs. We had some fun setting them up like the chickens where holding the pigs hostage, and we had to save the pigs by only shooting the chickens. Pretty fun little game. I think we will have a good time out hunting, I just hope Mindy can handle the three little boys. She already told me that she is going to get a new camera out of this deal. I think it would be better for all the sales around Christmas, but what do I know? I'll post about the hunt when I return.

1 comment:

Rick Palmer said...

I left a big long comment and it didn't count because I wasn't registered. Just don't confess about your desire to kill that 10" 2 point.